Andrea Goncher
Ph.D.– Virginia Tech
Dr. Goncher’s teaching areas are in human-centered design and systems engineering. Her research interests include engineering education and text analytics.

Karl Gugel
Ph.D.– University of Florida
Dr. Gugel’s expertise is in signals and systems. His research interests include low power microcontrollers and DSPs.

Philip Jackson
Ph.D.– University of Florida
Dr. Jackson’s research interests include numerical applications to heat transfer, fluid mechanics, magnetohydrodynamics, and facilitating undergraduate students to engage in similar projects. He is also interested in game-based learning systems and adaptive learning systems and their effect on student motivation.

Edward Latorre-Navarro
Ph.D.– University of Florida
Dr. Latorre-Navarro is the Director of IPPD. During his doctoral studies, he was a member of the Computational NeuroEngineering Lab Hybrid Group under Dr. John G. Harris, where he worked on speech and natural language processing.

Ann Ramirez
Ph.D.– University of California- Riverside
Dr. Ramirez’s area of expertise is in computer engineering. Her research interests include low-power design, reconfigurable computing, platform design, dynamic optimizations, hardware design, and real-time systems.

Cheryl Resch
M.S.– University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins University
Resch teaches core Computer Science courses and is performing computing education research. Before joining UF as a lecturer, Resch spent 29 years at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. There she performed research in secure computing and cybersecurity architecture.

Eric Schwartz
Ph.D.– University of Florida
Dr. Schwartz’s research interests include robotics, embedded systems, controls, and autonomous mobile agents.

Catia Silva
Ph.D.– University of Florida
Dr. Silva’s research interests include machine learning, signal processing, pattern recognition, computational neuroscience, and cognitive science.

Hans van Oostrom
Ph.D.– Eindhoven University of Technology
Dr. van Oostrom created the Institute for Excellence in Engineering Education which formed the basis of the Department of Engineering Education. He is passionate about teaching and students. His research interests are digital literacy education and precision learning.

Idalis Villanueva
Ph.D.– University of Colorado-Boulder
Dr. Villanueva’s research interests include hidden curriculum in engineering, mentoring of minoritized students and faculty in science and engineering, and study of motivation and learning pathways in science and engineering education using mixed- and multi-modal tools (biological and physiological).

Joseph Wilson
Ph.D.– University of Virginia
Dr. Wilson’s research interests include information security and machine learning.