
And That’s A Wrap!

Yesterday, Fly Bye attended the Final Design Review in the Reitz Grand Ballroom. It was an awesome experience being able to show off all the hard work our team accomplished this semester. We were able to showcase our poster, our… Read More

Week 29

This week, Fly Bye presented a preliminary FDR presentation to students and faculty coaches in the PR-FDR event. The image below is a plot that we presented during the PR-FDR event. We received detailed feedback including recommendations on how to… Read More

Week 28

This week, we fine-tuned our machine-learning model and our housing design. Our model achieved an average precision (AP) score of around 50%, which is on the order of the AP scores of other top-quality models! We are still fine-tuning the… Read More

Week 27

The end is approaching! With FDR only 20 days away team Fly Bye is making the final push to polish the image based prototype. The PCB for the prototype is being soldered together and the Machine Learning model is continuing… Read More

Week 26

This week, team Fly Bye has been hard at work to finalize the project deliverables in order to have a robust prototype for Prototype Inspection Day. In this endeavor, they were able to establish a housing scheme that will account… Read More

Week 25

This week Fly Bye is back from spring break! The team has been working this week to prepare for Prototype Inspection Day, which is next Tuesday. Over the next few weeks, Fly Bye is beginning to wrap up the project… Read More

Week 24

This final week before spring break, Fly Bye worked diligently to finalize a prototype which will be tested over break in Miami. Existing images taken for data collection were labeled and new images were collected. Specifically, 150 raw images were… Read More

Week 23

This week, Fly Bye reached several major milestones. First, we finally fixed the data transfer issue with our image-based prototype! After deciding to process data remotely, we returned to the issue of how to transfer more than 64 KB to… Read More

Week 22

This week with Team Fly Bye, QRB 2 is rapidly approaching and the team is making great progress. Team work meetings have become more frequent as data collection and prototyping are at the top of our to do list. After… Read More

Week 21

This week, Fly Bye has been busy at work making progress on the various work streams. Most notably, the PCBs have been made and ordered, the data collection for the image-based prototype has been booming, the model offloading on the… Read More

Week 20

This week, Fly Bye has been working on getting the machine learning model on our image prototype microcontroller. Fly Bye was also able to test out the infrared CAD design with the McPhail trap. The box design for holding the… Read More

Week 19

This past weekend, Adam and Griffin met with Dr. Rohde at Afternoon restaurant in Gainesville for brunch and project updates. Fly Bye received an insect tent for testing in our infrared-based system, as well as new cameras for the image-based… Read More

Week 18

Last week, Flye Bye’s progress on the image-based prototype was stunted by extremely bad luck: all 6 of the ESP32-CAMs broke. One of them suddenly short-circuited when plugged in and became extremely hot. Another one showed a brownout error. Thus,… Read More

Week 17

A busy semester has begun for Fly Bye. The team has started preparing for the first quarterly report! Alyssa and Griffin visited the Gainesville USDA lab to begin testing the IR prototype. While Sebastian met with Dr. Silva to discuss… Read More

Week 16

After a great winter break, Flye Bye is happy to be back! Early this week, Flye Bye met to discuss this semester and different areas of the project that need to focused on. Since then, Fly Bye has been hard… Read More

Week 15

This semester is coming to a close for team Fly Bye and they have been hard at work to finish the semester strong. They closed in on a successful System Level Design Review presentation in front of other teams and… Read More

Week 14

As the semester nears a close, Fly Bye is working diligently to finalize project plans for the end of semester, winter break, and start of next semester. This week, Fly Bye presented its progress in project development through the System… Read More

Week 13

Team Fly Bye was busy this week with Prototype inspection day. The team presented their camera based prototype to seven judges including their coach Dr. Koppal. They got some great feedback and are gearing up to start making major headway on… Read More

Week 12

This week, Team Flye Bye has invested time in reflecting over their previous trip to Miami. This trip has allowed for them to grow closer and learn more about what their sponsors are looking for in their final iteration of… Read More

Week 11

This week was an awesome and exciting week for Fly Bye. On Monday afternoon, the Fly Bye team drove down to Miami to present our work to our USDA liaison Dr. Barukh Rohde and the rest of the USDA team.… Read More

Week 10

Many exciting things are happening this week for team Fly Bye. On Tuesday morning, we met with our liaison engineer Dr. Barukh Rohde for breakfast at Metro Diner. This was our first time meeting Dr. Rohde in person so we… Read More

Week 9

Team Fly Bye presented the Preliminary Design Review to the liaison, Dr. Barukh Rohde, on Tuesday. In addition, we submitted our PDR report. Even with these big assignments, we have made significant progress: Sebastian and Griffin took photos of sticky… Read More

Week 8

This week Team Fly Bye presented their Preliminary Design Review presentation. The team is working hard to get caught up after the delays caused by Hurricane Ian. Our PDR report and presentation is being submitted today. Our first prototype has… Read More

Week 7

Last week was cut short due to Hurricane Ian; however, we were able to complete our first draft of the First Month’s Report and continued ordering parts for both prototypes. While we have been set back by the hurricane, we… Read More