Spring Semester

Final Design Review

We just finished the Final Design Review event for IPPD. It was an amazing experience and a great way to cap off an amazing experience with IPPD. It was really fun to see all the work the other teams accomplished… Read More

Final Design Review Poster

This post serves as a quick introduction to our project and supplementary information about our poster. Team ReptileRepo is working with Raytheon Technologies to replace their existing enterprise content management (ECM) system with a newer and more modern solution that… Read More

Preparations for the FDR Event

This week the team has been working on preparing for the upcoming FDR event. We’ve been working on finalizing our poster and presentations and we are finishing preparing all of our work to be ready to present to our liaisons.… Read More

Final Integrations and Testing

As we are coming towards the finish line of our project, we are finalizing some of the last aspects of our project and getting things ready for when we turn our work over to our liaison engineers. This week we… Read More


This week we finished the 2nd IPPD prototype day and we had an amazing time. Our presentation went really well and all the hard work we put into ensuring the demo would work payed off! We also gained some extremely… Read More

Back From Our Break

Last week was spring break and the team enjoyed some much-needed time off from school and work. We used the time off to recharge our batteries so that we can continue working on. This week, we accomplished a lot on… Read More

Testing (making sure things don’t explode)

This week the team focused on researching different methods to test our ECM system. Because we are using an off-the-shelf product, there are many tools available to help us with testing the ECM. For testing the complicated access control requirements… Read More


This week the team presented our work in the QRB 2 event. We had accomplished a lot on the project since the last presentation, so we were very excited to showcase what we’ve been working on and get some feedback.… Read More

Applying our Applications

This week we finished work on the initial prototype of our file upload application. It allows users to upload many files at once and along with each file, it tracks and uploads their corresponding metadata. Metadata is stored in a… Read More

Having fun with APIs

This week we’ve been working on integrating a custom application to work with our ECM system. We’ve been looking for some solutions on how to upload custom metadata to the system, and were not able to find any so we… Read More

Roles, Groups, and Classification Levels

This week we received some test data from Raytheon to test the security and metadata functionality of our ECM system. We’ve been working on adding the capability for the system to read the metadata whenever new files are added, and… Read More


This week the team presented our first QRB presentation to the coaches. After working hard last week to ensure that our project gets back on track after losing our product licenses, we were happy to show off all of the… Read More

Big Progress

This week we’ve been working hard at finding and implementing a replacement ECM after the trial license for our previous ECM was revoked. We were unable to work with any vendors to receive extensions or new licenses, so we identified… Read More

Getting Quotes

This week we’ve been focusing on getting quotes for the on-premises software licenses that we required to do our project work. We’ve already met with one of the vendors and discussed acquiring an extended trial license as well as getting… Read More

Back in Business

This week we started resuming work on our project from the previous semester. We’ve been working around our schedules to establish meeting times with our liaisons and coach. We’ve also been working on resuming our licenses for the ECM we… Read More