#17 Preparation for QRB1

This week, we made great strides toward preparing ourselves for QRB 1. We created a testing timeline to ensure that we stay on track and meet our deadlines. We also made a preliminary design of our eddy current sensor, which will be used along side the capacitive sensor. After some insight from our liaison, we decided to stick with a handheld device instead of a gantry system for the final product, as it would be more practical on the shop floor. The gantry system will purely be used for testing the handheld devices, since any change in holding pressure on the device will result in extra noise in the data.

Gantry Design Render (Test Bench)

Moving forward, we are planning to consider ways to account for human error in the testing environment. This will ensure that our results simulate what will happen if the device was introduced in the field with manufacturing operators. We will also be completing purchase orders for any necessary materials and equipment. Additionally, we will be looking into incorporating springs into the design of the sensor array, to ensure even surface contact. Finally, after we gather more indicative data, we will begin development of the inclusion detection firmware.

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