Testing, Develop, Research

Welcome back! Team Wayfinder is excited to have our first blind user signed up for prototype testing next week. To prepare for the upcoming user testing sessions, the team has fixed a few bugs in the prototype, such as overlapping audio, and added new features, such as audio speech adjustment and spatial audio. Once the team gets more user feedback, more refinements will be added to the prototype.

In addition to prototype testing and development, the team is researching how to make the navigation mechanism/prototype beneficial to other unity developers. We are looking into how to extract assets, and create accessibility APIs, plugins, and packages. We will be back next week and update you on the final direction of the project.

Steps of Usability Testing (Source: https://uxplanet.org/how-to-conduct-a-usability-test-in-six-steps-from-start-to-finish-4082e8d57858)

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