
PREP for QRB 1

SimVolts has been preparing for QRB and is anxious to show all the team has put together to QRB1 Review Board. The goal of the QRB is for the team to know where we stand and receive helpful feedbacks for… Read More

Back to the Smart Multimeter!

SimVolts expects to deliver more this semester by putting more hours weekly and staying more in touch with Sponsors. A new beginning to new and fresh ideas.

Prototype Inspection Day

In Inspection Day SimVolts was able to explained the goal we intend to deliver which is a smart multimeter. Inspection Day was very useful for SimVolts as we received many feedbacks from eight different judges. Even though we are living… Read More

Official Preliminary Design Report

Last Friday Sim-Volts did a fantastic job presenting the official Preliminary Design Report (PDR) where we explained the sponsors, coach, and IPPD staff the goals we have set to accomplished in this project. A good amount of people from the… Read More

Introducing SimVolts’s Logo

This logo represents the aspiration and values of SimVolts. The eye in the middle represents the vision system and the lightning strike represents the volts we will be measuring.