Prototype Inspection Day

In Inspection Day SimVolts was able to explained the goal we intend to deliver which is a smart multimeter.

Inspection Day was very useful for SimVolts as we received many feedbacks from eight different judges.

Even though we are living in difficult times where people are meeting via online calls, SimVolts was able to show some of the features team members have been working in parallel. Our Web-Master (Jose Couso) explained and showed the processor we are using for the handheld device. Our (Meeting Coordinator (Daniel Childers) showed a C++ program that was able to capture the contour of any circular shape item in real time. Our team leader (Sean Smith) demonstrated some progress he has made with the back-end system. We intend to use this back-end system to store plug IDs and pin numbers from different cannon plugs to create a net-list where we will display these values using a graphic user interface (GUI). Our Purchasing Handler (Luis Ravelo) showed what he intends to do with the GUI and the design of it.

SimVolts thanks everyone who assisted and provided some kind of feedback as it will help polish our set goals and ideas!

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