See you later, alligators

We’re coming at you having FINISHED our machine and presented at the IPPD Final Design Review event!

Team FunRaiser and our final machine!

Shown above is the team in our Sunday best after we spent half of the day at FDR. We presented our machine personally to our liaisons from the Cade, as well as gave a formal presentation for other event attendees. Then after some delicious Reitz Union catering, we showed dozens of guests our fun machine and poster to go with.

As you can see above, we’ve got a beautiful final product! We spent a lot of crunch-time leading up to FDR getting all of the finishing touches on our machine. We think it looks fun and awesome, and it certainly got a lot of attention at FDR! There were a few components of the machine that we weren’t able to fully implement as originally designed, and it definitely wasn’t due to lack of trying—but even so, we’re proud of our Interactive Donation Machine and think it’ll be a great addition to the amazing Cade Museum of Creativity and Invention.

Solo perspective view, just to see the machine’s full glory
Closer look at the machine sequence

We’re not completely finished yet—we’re still finalizing our FDR report for the Cade, which contains everything they’d want to know about our machine, from fabrication processes to code and 3D model files and even instructions on how to extend the machine’s capabilities. Then, we’re going to be installing the final machine IN the Cade Museum, where it’ll be open to the public. So make sure to check out all of the awesome exhibits at the Cade Museum, and before you go, leave a donation through our machine to see the sequence in person!

The entire team has thoroughly enjoyed working with the Cade Museum for the past year and getting the chance to make this awesome device for all kids to enjoy. We want to once again acknowledge and thank our Cade liaisons, Carmen Hurtado, Ellie Thom, and Sydney Burge, for being extremely helpful and supportive and working with us to make our machine super fun, AND the amazing staff at the IPPD program, especially our dedicated coach and program director, Dr. Edward Latorre.

We thank you for keeping up with our progress over this past year, and we’re very excited looking to the future as each team member has great things coming up. This is Team FunRaiser, signing off!

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