Testing Testing

Printing problems

This week was a very busy week for us all! This was our last week printing at the Cade Museum, so we had to make sure we got all our prints done. For the stopping mechanisms, Hannah has been designing a way to incorporate it into the track without altering the track. We were able to test her mechanism and we concluded that it worked! We have printed majority of our components, with a few pieces that we have to reprint and redesign. This week we ran into many 3d printing issues, such as some of the supporting material fusing into the actual structure along with having the infill for one of mechanisms be wrong. But overall that has made us more aware to be more careful with our placement of 3d printing. Our track has also taken some turns, with all of the track printed minus the track around the guitar. We are excited to return back from break to be able to mount all of our mechanisms that we have and hopefully get the ball rolling through.

Hannah Testing the stopping mechanism.

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