QRB #2 – Week #7

The title slide of our QRB#2 presentation

This week was entirely dedicated to our second Qualification Review Board presenation.

For this presentation, we had to demonstrate our testing plan and results, and our next steps based on these things. For the testing plan, we determined a specific testing plan for each section of the project: API, Fire Service, Drought Model, and Pest & Disease Model. We then presented our current project performance compared to our ideal Technical Performance Measures. So far, we are mostly on track to meet all the TPMs by the end of the semester, and we have made a lot of progress recently with the model accuracy score. Our next steps for the project are to further improve the accuracy and integrate more data sources, as well as to finish the API and continue work on the Pest/Disease model.

The judges provided positive feedback, and the main suggestion was to integrate client feedback and include ties to the end user to make it clearer what exactly our project will accomplish when it is fully integrated with Terraview’s current systems. We will definitely keep that advice in mind as we continue to work on the project. Now, to finalize prototype development in preparation for spring break and the Final Design Review.

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