Prep for PDR – Week #7

This week we continued with the development of our project and began our preliminary design report.

In class, we learned from an informative presentation about project elevator pitches, which will help us in our preliminary design report presentation. We were able to develop our own elevator pitch for our project, and we listened to and gave feedback on other groups’ pitches.

This week, our teams continued to research and become familiar with the software we will be using in the project. We also developed a high level architecture diagram for our project, which gives us and our sponsors an overview of our plans. Additionally, the biological engineering section of the team continued to research for relevant data to put into our risk report service. Having a multitude of data will ensure that our model is as accurate as possible.

During our meeting, we set a date for our PDR presentation with Terraview. Check back on October 21st to see how it went!

Mark your calendars for our PDR!

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