Fall Semester

Blog Post #14

To close out the first semester of the IPPD program, Team MATR delivered their system level design presentation for the IPPD System Level Design Review (SLDR) event. Among those in attendance were our Northrop Grumman Engineering Liaisons Jessica McDaniel and… Read More

Blog Post #13

Members of Team MATR got back to work this passed week after a restful Thanksgiving Break. As we approach the final days of the semester, Team MATR is preparing for the System Level Design Review (SLDR) presentation that will be… Read More

Blog Post #12

On Tuesday the team delivered prototype presentations to various UF faculty members and professors for IPPD’s Prototype Inspection Day. Thanks to UF professors and faculty that participated in the event, we received a lot of valuable feedback on our design,… Read More

Blog Post #11

Over the past week Team MATR has been quite busy! The team has been hard at work putting together a prototype of our device for prototype inspection day. Electrical Engineers have been working on building the hardware we need to… Read More

Blog Post #10

Prototype inspection day is approaching! and the team is excited about moving toward implementing the design ideas we have come up with. The preliminary design report has been signed off on by engineering liaisons from Northrop Grumman, and another round… Read More

Blog Post #9

This week the team got some exciting news! Our project was approved for use of the ARGOS system. ARGOS system managers provided us with an ARGOS ID, so we can register devices with the satellite system and obtain transmitted data.… Read More

Blog Post #8

PDR presentation to liaisons completed! Our Northrop Grumman liaisons were very kind to listen to our presentation and provide the meaningful feedback we need to move forward with our designs. According to feedback, we are tweaking our plans, and awaiting… Read More

Blog Post #7

As we continue our work on this project we are polishing a Preliminary Design Report (PDR) presentation to deliver to our engineering liaisons and others at Northrop Grumman (NG). We were hoping to be able to take a trip to… Read More

Blog Post #6

Another week down and the team is another week closer to finalizing a design for a prototype! We met with another industry expert on wildlife tracking, specifically an expert on the ARGOS satellite network for environmental monitoring. They provided us… Read More

Blog Post #5

The MATR team is zooming in closer and closer to a solid concept for the design of the tracker. After discussing the information we received from turtle research experts, and considering all of the concepts we were able to brainstorm,… Read More

Blog Post #4

This week the team is wrapping up its first month of work on the Marine Animal TrackeR project. We are currently going through the concept generation phase, continuing to build toward finalizing a design and fleshing out a project plan.… Read More

Blog Post #3

This past week was spent mostly on continuing the requirements and specifications phase, and finalizing specifications before moving on to the concept phase. The team has also continued researching possible technologies for monitoring turtles in order to conserve and protect… Read More

Blog Post #2

This week was focused on researching technologies for turtle tracking. Major research is being done on the sensors we would like to integrate, how we could collect and communicate data, and how we could package the device and attach it… Read More

Blog Post #1

Greetings readers! Welcome to the blog page for IPPD team 8 – Marine Animal TrackeR. We are fortunate to be sponsored by Northrop Grumman Aeronautics Systems to design a prototype tracking device for small marine animals. The team looks forward… Read More