Meeting our sponsor

Part of our new, updated storyboard.

Our team finally met our sponsor this week! In our first meeting, we compared our thoughts about the project and ideas for solutions. We discovered that our sponsor’s requirement for the system be “hands-free” was less strict than we had first thought. With all that we learned from our sponsor meeting, we needed to update our specifications and requirements as well. We met up several times during the week to do this. After our meeting with our sponsor, we redid some of our storyboards to make sure we were all on the same page.

Also this week, we started our roadmap with the deadlines for our most important deliverables. This will be worked on and updated throughout our project. We also started on our risk assessment with potential points of failure that could require changes to our roadmap.

Over the next week, we plan to narrow down and decide on the concepts for parts of our project, such as communication technology and software framework.

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