Week 4 update

Another updated logo.

In class this week, we presented our logo and team name. Our team name was well-received, but there was some constructive criticism about our logo design. We simplified the overall design, and made some changes to address points that our classmates brought up. We also worked on our Product Development Specifications document, which includes our specifications, customer needs, and features. The requirements and specifications were ranked in order of their importance so that we know what to focus. This was done by using a “house of quality”, a table in which the specifications are ranked by rating their relationships to the customer’s needs. We have scheduled regular meetings with our liaison, in which we will discuss these specifications and requirements.

Our team also started brainstorming concepts for solutions to the major problems for our project. We plan to meet again before the next class meeting to discuss and improve on the concepts that we are coming up with individually. We will also research and review various potential communications technologies that may be used in our project.

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