Spring Semester

The Final Design Review (Week 16)

After nearly an academic year of work on our project, we have finally made it to the Final Design Review, or FDR. The event started out with a demonstration of our prototype to our engineering liaisons, Kyle Bush and Kevin… Read More

FDR Presentation Preparation (Week 15)

With the project wrapping up, we need to showcase all of our work and progress to our sponsor, FPL. Therefore, one of our objectives this week was the drafting of the FDR (Final Design Review) Report and Presentation. Unlike the SLDR… Read More

FDR Approaching (Week 14)

The pinnacle event of IPPD, the Final Design Review (FDR) is just over horizon, on April 23rd. By this date, we not only have to complete our prototype, but also need to have finished our FDR Report. This is a… Read More

Prototype Inspection Day 2 (Week 13)

This Tuesday (April 2nd), the Road Watch team took part in the second Prorotype Inspection Day (PID2) Event. Here, like with the same event last semester, each team presents their progress on their project prototype to several judges with sufficient… Read More

Preparing for PID (Week 12)

As has been alluded to extensively in previous posts, Prototype Inspection Day (PID) is right on the horizon; in fact, it is next Tuesday (4/2/24). Therefore, in class this week, we prepared our strategy for the day, and shared the… Read More

One Week Out (Week 11)

With PID looming one week away, the Road Watch team has been rapidly working on getting every part of the system working. Fortunately, we have some good progress to report. First, we successfully developed our external shell, and fabricated the… Read More

Lasers and PCBs (Week 10)

Although it is spring break, and despite the note last week, some progress was made on the progress this week, which the Road Watch team would like to share. Firstly, we believe we have solved our issue with the 1D… Read More

PID Approaches (Week 9)

With the feedback from QRB2 in mind, and the Prototype Inspection Day (PID) rapidly approaching, there are only so many weeks left (two to be exact, plus spring break) before we have to present a fully integrated and working model… Read More

QRB2 (Week 8)

This week, the Road Watch team completed its second Qualification Review, QRB2. As explained in last week’s post, the QRBs are an event where teams receive constructive feedback and a risk assessment from a group of experienced faculty. This time,… Read More

Preparing for QRB2 (Week 7)

This week, the Road Watch got ready for its second Qualification Review Board, QRB2. As discussed previously, the QRB is an event where we present our project’s progress to a panel of expert faculty and receive feedback on our project.… Read More

More Prototyping (Week 6)

As indicated in the previous post, this week featured the first class session exclusively dedicated to project work. This provided an amazing opportunity for the Road Watch team to collaborate for an extended period of time. We met virtually, via… Read More

Prototyping Efforts (Week 5)

Based on feedback from QRB1, the Road Watch team decided that it is imperative to have a fully working prototype of all non-AI aspects of the project. This essentially means everything must be working in an integrated system, with the… Read More

QRB1 (Week 4)

This week, the Road Watch team delivered its first Qualification Review (QRB1). As discussed in the previous blog post, the QRB events provide an opportunity for teams to receive constructive feedback and a risk assessment from a panel of experts.… Read More

Preparing for QRB1 (Week 3)

This week, the Road Watch prepared for its first Qualification Review Board, or QRB1. At a QRB, our team will present our project to experienced faculty, who will offer feedback on the project. The main objective is to pinpoint risks… Read More

In-Class Work (Week 2)

This week, the Road Watch Team had its first in-class work session. These are a new feature of IPPD 2 that were not offered in IPPD 1, as IPPD 2 focuses primarily on the practical realization of the system (which… Read More

A New Semester (Week 1)

Welcome to the New Year! In our first week this semester, after a refreshing break, the Road Watch team began with a lecture by Professor Bill McElroy, P.E.. He focused on the topic of credibility, and showed how it was… Read More