Blog Posts

A new tool!!!

This week the team at Veriforce was given the opportunity to start using Verifone’s in house frontend library, giving us access to the exact look and feel of Verifone applications. As a result, the team went hard at work this week, updating the existing frontend application to use this tool. This included a major refactoring of the frontend file structure, and existing components. This is an exciting development for the team as this will now allow for the project to be more seamlessly dropped into Verifone’s current cloud application. Along with frontend work, our backend engineer’s were hard at work this week working, on the hierarchy structure of sites, writing much of the skeleton code and database structure for the implementation of sites on configurations.


This week the team at Verifone did their QRB 1 Presentation. During this presentation the team gave a a retrospective look on our progress up to this point. Showing things like our current mock prototype, and meters showing the current progress on major features of the application. We also discussed briefly about our testing metrics that will be performed on the project, including things like our code coverage percentile, and expected net promotor score for the frontend.

Prepping for QRB 1

This week the team at Veriforce worked on prepping for our QRB 1 presentation next week. For this we created a slide deck which details the progress we have made so far in the project. This presentation will include the following details:

  • Quick elevator pitch about our project
  • List of features wanted in the final deliverable
  • Progress on listed features
  • Progress on testing
  • Our current Sprint Backlog

Along with planning for QRB 1, the team also met with our coach for the first time in the new semester and caught him to speed with the work we have done.

Continuing Development

This week the team at Veriforce continued working on each team members sprint action items. Some features included in this are the following:

  • Delete functionality for configurations
  • Edit functionality for configurations
  • Testing previously written code

Along with working on these set action items the team also set out and created a rough outline for the sprint plan for the rest of the semester on our Jira board. This will be useful for gauging our progress as the team progresses through each sprint.

Back to Action!

Coming back into the spring semester of IPPD, and entire new calendar year, the team at Veriforce is extremely excited to continue working on the project. This first week back the team took thing’s easy and made sure to get back on track with each other, and our liaison’s at Verifone. We continued with our weekly meeting, and during thing we were able to discuss our future plans and goals for the semester. We also talked a bit about our winter break activities and in general just had a good time, since it had been a while since we had met. Looking forward over the next couple month’s the team knows we have a lot of work cutout for us and we are extremely excited to complete the project set for us to the best of our capability throughout early 2023!

System Level Design Review

This past week the team at Veriforce had their System Level Design Review. Graciously, our liaison engineer Daryl Miller, and Verifone’s product owner took time out of their busy schedules to attend the event, and we were able to present our project in front of them and many more IPPD teams and sponsors. The event was an overwhelming success for our group as were able to get valuable presentational time in front of a brand new audience. During the event we also watched an amazing keynote speech, and were offered food by the IPPD staff. Overall, this event was an amazing way to wrap up the first semester of our project and IPPD 1 in general, and we look forward to working more on the project next year!

SLDR Peer Review

This past week the team at Veriforce, was excited to give our SLDR presentation to our peers, and IPPD staff during the SLDR peer review session. In this we received feedback about our plan’s for the SLDR presentation on December 6th. Some of the main feedback given to use was to simplify or make small changes to a few of the slides in the presentation, such as the one one the the backend architecture, mongoDB architecture, and testing. Overall, this was a great opportunity to refine our presentation before the main event next week!

Prepping for SLDR

This past week the team has worked on prepping for the System Level Design Review. This presentation will serve as a overall cap to the first semester at Veriforce, and we will be going over the following:

  • Current solution
  • Frontend and Backend Architectures
  • Minimal viable product developed
  • Goals for next semester

Along with prepping for SLDR, the team has also furthered some work in both frontend and backend of the project. Specifically, we have implemented a landing, and creation page for mobile configurations in the frontend. We also, have set up collections for sites, and configurations in the backend. The team is excited about the progress, we have made, and are looking forward to the SLDR peer review this week.

Prototype Inspection Day

This past week the team at Veriforce displayed their prototype for the IPPD prototype inspection day. Specifically, in the prototype we showed a Figma prototype of our frontend, and a quick demo of our backend. As a result of this, we were given great feedback in regards to our prototype and presentational skills, and are grateful for the judges that offered their time to view our projects. We will be using the feedback given to us during this event to look at different aspects of our project such as security, and sprint planning and alter them as nesseccary. Overall, this past week went well and we are excited about furthering our prototype moving forward.

Prototype Development

Over the past week the team at Veriforce has completed more work for the prototype inspection day coming up. We have developed some preliminary implementations using Angular, and MongoDB for how we will be displaying and saving data. Recently, we also were given some of the Spring Boot code base from the team at Verifone, that will help us set this side of the tech stack up since we are not very experienced with the technology. This week our liaison engineer, will also be walking through this codebase with us to give the team a better understanding of how a functional backend operates, and the team is extremely excited to this!