Week 9 Update

Landing page when first starting a local React app.

This week, team Securix finalized our prototype plans during class. Originally, our prototype was going to consist of just wireframes; however, we have now transitioned to creating a React app for our prototype. The React app will allow users to actually interact with the front-end so that we will be able to retrieve data from the users to determine what changes will need to be made before building the official web portal. We have also started to change our technical performance measures because many of the old ones consisted of measurements that were out of our control. Finally, we have been working on acquiring signatures on our PDR document.

Our plans for next week include starting on our prototype and finalizing our technical performance measures. We hope to generate a survey that users can take after testing the front-end prototype. Along with this, we are also planning to meet with our liaisons in person at some point so that they can walk us through the Hatchery and all of the equipment stored there.

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