Throw the dog a bone

Following from the previous week, Addtronics has continued testing extensively. We were able to obtain joint movement of the robotic arm and will now begin doing payload tests for both robots to finalize some specifications in our designs for integration. Additionally, we continued exploring different methods for controlling the quadruped to help in considering the specifications of the user interface. As we advance in our research and development phase, we have built preliminary designs for a mock box structure for testing as well as a rough 3D model of our overall integrated design. This rough 3D model was a component in the product architecture that we completed this week which highlights the main components of the design and how the will be integrated with each other.

Aside from that, this week our team was able to meet with a stakeholder who represents the main users of the final product. We were able to ask about some of the current techniques used in the field and the challenges associated with them. This helped us get a better understanding of what these individuals encounter in real world scenarios and how we can help mitigate those issues and incorporate their preferences as well.

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