User Studies, Posters, and Videos Oh My!

This week, Gearware worked on getting additional user studies completed by our peers in IPPD. We aimed to get additional feedback on top of PID 2 as well as to test some implemented changes based on the PID’s feedback. This included modifying the delay between the static open hand gesture and the dynamic swiping gestures. We trialed a few different values and settled on a threshold of 15 frames fewer than the threshold from PID 2. We hope that this change will make the application feel more intuitive and will have a snappier response time from the user.

Sample Video Storyboard

Gearware also worked on the preliminary designs for both the video and the poster. We had planned on incorporating demonstrations of the product within the video and trying to give off a tech informational video format. In terms of the poster, we plan on incorporating a center graphic that looks like our hardware prototype and with text on the sides of the poster to explain the implementation and the different components of our project.

Next week, we plan on completing drafts of the videos and the poster as well as adding additional parameters to the static gestures to account for edge cases.

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