PID Preparation

This week, Gearware has been hard at work to get our prototype ready for Prototype Inspection Day next week. Starting with the gesture domain, we decided to include a static gesture before initializing a dynamic gesture (swiping in different directions). This will help the issue we were having with segmentation with matters of intent from the user. Meaning, that there were stray hand movements with the intent of no gesture being recognized as a gesture (i.e. moving the hand to be at the user side would be recognized as a down swipe with the current implementation). Therefore, we are incorporating an open hand gesture between swipes and hope to have this finished by PID.

In addition, we also included gifs during the tutorial. We hope that the additional visual cues will be helpful in aiding the participants during PID. In terms of the UI, we also incorporated a drop shadow when the open hand is detected to provide a cue to let the user know that the elements are ready to be moved with a dynamic gesture.

Gearware plans on allowing the judges to demo the web application so that we may get some useful feedback on the gesture input and UI since this would be the first time they will see both parts integrated as an end-to-end product. We are very excited to showcase our product!

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