PDR Presentation

The intro slide for the PDR Presentation that we showed the class for peer review.

This week, our team presented our PDR Presentation to the class for peer review and finished the first draft of our PDR Report. In class, we presented our initial PDR Presentation and received feedback from our classmates, which we will be using to prepare for our meeting with American Express next week. In our meeting with our liaison and sponsor this week, we showed them our presentation and got feedback on it. Based on their feedback, we will be making changes to our slides to fix the issues they brought up.

Over the next week, we plan to make fixes to our PDR Presentation and Report in response to the feedback we received on both. Also, we plan to finish the UI/UX mockups that our sponsor requested. Now that we have a better idea about the final scope of the project, we can start ordering the items we need, such as Raspberry Pies and Bluetooth beacons.

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