Deploying the application (3/26/21)

This week we presented our prototype to a group of IPPD faculty. We incorporated the feedback we got last week from the students in preparation for this presentation. This including having both a prerecorded and live demo of the application. This went over well with the IPPD faculty, since they told us that these inclusions added a lot of clarity and intrigue in the presentation. They were all very happy with the progress we’ve made so far and are quite impressed what we’ve done so far.

Along with these positive comments we received some criticisms. This was expected and welcome. The main point of concern was that we haven’t had any feedback or testing done from members of the blind and low-vision community. This is a valid concern, since the semester is ending in a month and this is a crucial step. However, we are confident that we are going to be able to deploy a prototype, receive feedback, and implement and necessary changes to improve the experience. We are going to have a deployable version of the application done by tomorrow (3/27/21), and we will sent this out, along with a TAM and feedback survey, to our liaison to be distributed to bline and low-vision users.

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