Month: February 2021

QRB 2 Updates

We’ve made it to our second major milestone of the semester – Qualitative Review Board #2. The team presented to a group of coaches a brief presentation on our testing plan and updates from the semester.   The main criticism was that we… Read More

How we’re Using 3D Printing

3D Printing or additive manufacturing is an emerging manufacturing method that allows people to create complex structures and features previously impossible to create with other methods. Essentially, a thermoplastic material gets pushed through a hot extruder and is deposited onto… Read More

Connecting the Dots

Team Power House is excited to start connecting and testing our different subsystems in the coming weeks! Pictured above is the newly built second iteration of our structure with the linear actuators wired up for testing. Having this structure completed,… Read More

Keep the “motors” turning

The team has entered into a month solely focused on development. So far we have been able to do a complete redesign and build of the structure frame. After testing the first frame, we determined that we needed it to… Read More