Paving a Foundation for Brainstorming

This week, the team has been focused on determining the core features of the system. From this foundational work, we have broken down each feature into sub-features, thus making it a lot easier to start designing our system. On the other hand, we’re starting to realize how large this project really is. For instance one feature may be made up of 8 sub-features all with separate functionalities that must work together. It seems slightly daunting, but we’ve been doing a lot of really good planning so that we can try to avoid any hiccups during the design phase.

Using this list of features, we determined which topics we want to spend time on brainstorming first. The hardest topics like for instance, charging the robot and autonomously returning to the structure will take a lot of time and brain power to come up with solutions to. Thus we’re breaking up the brainstorming process to stay focused and develop well-rounded, thought out designs.

Overall, the project has been challenging so far, especially with midterms coming up, but we are all extremely motivated and excited to start the brainstorming session this week!

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