
On Sunday BluePay underwent the second round of customer testing on an older population. Just like the first trial with college aged students, BluePay had the participants fill out a pre-survey, undergo the study with our system, then fill out a post-survey. We got more positive feedback and many of the responses aligned with the responses that we got from the younger population. These responses included that the participants would recommend BluePay`s app and that the process was easy and efficient.

Over the weekend BluePay also completed our project poster and got approval from our team coach and project liaison. We are now in full swing trying to finish up the other pieces of the project like the FDR report and the video. The last piece of our prototype that needs to be complete is the card swipe functionality. The video is taking a lot longer than anticipated because nobody on the team has any background in video editing but we have made good progress!

We`re about two and a half weeks out from the FDR event and were excited to show off our finished product to everyone. We can`t believe that the semester is already almost over!

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