Preliminary Design Review Presentation

After weeks of preparations, BluePay presented the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) to our American Express liaisons on Tuesday this week. We met for several practice runs, where we made sure to incorporate all of the feedback we’ve gotten from both our classmates and our coach. On the day of our presentation, BluePay practiced our timing and transitions one last time. After this practice, we presented our PDR to our liaisons. The presentation went very smoothly, just like how we practiced. The liaisons were also very satisfied with our plan for the project. The team is very happy with how the presentation went.

Now that the liaisons have approved of our plans for the project, BluePay can start developing a prototype. Following Scrum methodologies, the team divided the main objectives for our prototype into 3 sprints: developing functionality and UI for the app, simulating BLE signals on the app, and creating a POS back-end server. Since the presentation, each member of the team has been working on individual tasks that we delegate in our team meetings. Next week we will give an update on our progress towards the prototype!

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