Week 13 Update

Slide from FDR presentation

This week, team Securix presented our FDR presentation during class to our peers and IPPD coaches. The feedback we received was mostly positive with many of the criticisms pertaining to the PowerPoint and presentation skills. To prepare for the final presentation next week, the team is going to keep practicing the presentation to ensure it runs smoothly. Additionally, we turned in our final poster and video that will be displayed during the FDR showcase. These will help tell the “story” of our project and solution. Aside from preparing for FDR, the team continued finalizing the web portal. We resolved some issues we had with the JDBC connectivity, finished all of the APIs and integration, and continued to work on authentication. Next week, we will finalize the online documentation for the web portal, finish the authentication or list the next steps to take, and present at FDR. The team is eager to show off all of our work this past year and is ready to pass the web portal off to the liaisons.

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