Blog Posts

PDR Presentation Take 2

Practice makes perfect!

Last week, we presented our PDR to our peers and received great feedback on our presentation and our performances. In preparation, Gearware has been working this week on implementing this feedback into our presentation as well as practicing for our Friday presentation.

This week, we will be presenting to Fanatics our PDR to our liaison and many other members of executive virtually to receive additional feedback. From this presentation, we will receive additional feedback on our proposed solution that we are excited to receive. From this feedback, we can begin implementing it within our prototype by November 16!

PDR Presentation Slide!

Preliminary Design Review Presentation

Peer Presentation Day!

This week, we presented our preliminary design to our peers for feedback on our chosen tech stacks, diagrams, and our suggested implementation. We received great feedback from our peers and we will be using it in order to better prepare ourselves for our presentation to Fanatics next week!

During our liaison meeting, we showed our presentation and received valuable feedback on the content. Our liaison suggested adding more business case slides within our presentation to curtail the content for the attending audience. We will be adding these slides as well as modifying current slides from our suggested feedback.

Next week, Gearware will be traveling to Tampa to give our presentation to Fanatics at their headquarters. In preparation, we will practice more throughout the week to address feedback on the use of filler words and body language given during the review. We are excited to show what we have done thus far!

Making Progress

Last week, we worked on our First Month Report and system architecture design. We will implement both of these components for our Preliminary Design Review report and presentation.

This week, we presented updates to our liaison for each of our domains. We did some efficiency testing on one of our components to prove it as an effective solution. We also decided on a tech solution for one of the domains listed in our project (Three.js) and created additional high-fidelity wireframes. In addition, we also were able to output coordinates for node positions on the hand so that we can incorporate them into a machine learning model.

Coordinates of the hand from a static image

Next week, we plan on incorporating everything we have done so far in preparation for our PDR presentation and can not wait to get feedback on what we have accomplished thus far.

Sprinting Ahead

Liaison Meeting!

Hi everyone! This week, we submitted our First Month Report and our first-semester project roadmap. This allowed us to understand the timeline we have for our project in order to map out what needs to be accomplished by December.

During our liaison meeting this week, we presented slides for our scrum review. This way, each teammate can present what they had accomplished this week as well having a means for our liaison to look back on before next week’s meeting. During the meeting, we presented updates and demonstrations of current code, literature reviews regarding gesture control, and discussed potential tech solutions for one of the domains. We also discussed potential dates to present our PDR presentation and will finalize a date early next week. During our coach meeting, we reflected on our liaison meeting and discussed our PDR presentation and system architecture.

Next week, we plan on working with the gesture control API and output coordinates for us to use in a machine learning model. We are also working towards the other domains listed in our project once we receive the necessary files from our liaison. In addition, we will put in a purchase request for necessary equipment.

Dressing to Impress!

Headshot Day!

Hello! Last week, we worked on creating our first draft of wireframes and created a Gantt chart to help document the progress of the project with each domain that we had identified.

This week, we had our headshots taken during class and also had a presentation on the upcoming career fair. We also discussed our next presentation upcoming in October. We also continued working on each of our domain-specific tasks and made headway with all. Our team created flow charts and delved into coding some aspects of the project to present them to our liaison. In addition, we also created high-fidelity wireframes from the original ones from last week.

During our meeting with our liaison, we presented each of our updates, round-robin style, to show our liaison what we had accomplished the past week. Our liaison gave us great feedback on each of our updates and some pointers on what we should focus on in our tasks. He also created a task manager for us to use and for him to assign potential tasks for in the future.

Next week, we are working on our first-month report for Tuesday and assessing our risks associated with each aspect of the project. In addition, we are also researching the equipment we will need for the project and fill out a purchase form.

Brainstorming Session

Hello! Last week, we created our Product Design Specifications document which helped us defined the wants and needs of our sponsors. From this document, we were able to define which aspects of the project held priority and which requirements interlaced with each other.

This week, we presented our team name and logo to our class and received feedback that we will be taking into consideration. In addition, we had an in-class brainstorming session in which each of us wrote down an aspect of our project and direct messaged it to another team member. From there, the next team member built of this idea and passed it onto the next person. This continued until the original team member received their original idea back to them with additional ideas built on top of it. This was a great exercise for us to delve into components of the project and for everyone to contribute their ideas.

During our meeting with our liaison, we also presented our logo to him and received approval for the design. We also discussed the roles of the project that each of us would be interested in tackling to help divide the workload and parallelize the software development cycle. From these interests, we are going to do additional research on each of the topics and understand more of the potential different tech stacks.

Wireframe for lazy loading

During our coach meeting, we discussed each domain of our projects and broke them down into tasks that we placed into a Gantt chart. This will help us by telling us which tasks have been started, the progress of each task and if they have been completed. We also created the initial draft of low-fidelity wireframes for our project and presented those to Dr. Silva.

Next week, we plan on working on researching more on each of the roles we have been assigned and start working towards the tasks listed in our Gantt chart.

Hello Team gearware!

Team Name and Logo

Hello readers! Last week, we had our first meeting with our faculty coach and our liaison engineer where we received a better understanding of our scope of work. We also finalized our team name and logo. We are excited to present our team, gearware!

This week, we identified our stakeholders and began to understand our Project Requirements and Specifications. To get a better understanding of our requirements, we had a meeting with our liaison engineer to ask additional questions and to reiterate our understanding of the project. This meeting gave us a better understanding of the needs and wants of the project which was very helpful to start delegating responsibilities.

After we met with our liaison, we had a meeting with our faculty coach, Dr. Silva, to gauge interest in each software that needs to get developed for our project as well as brainstorm ideas for implementation. Our goal for next week is to research potential solutions to be used within our project so that we can discuss the pros and cons of each. In addition, we are also planning to develop user stories and system interaction diagrams for our project.

Introductions, Meetings, Oh My!

First meeting with our liaison!

Hello and thank you for visiting our blog! We are Team 03 and we are comprised of two computer engineering students and three computer science students who are ready to create an amazing product for our sponsor, Fanatics! This week we had our first in-person class where we were given our Scope of Work (SOW) document which allowed us to create our problem statement for our project. From this, our team was able to come up with questions to ask our liaison for our meeting this Thursday. We also had our first meeting with Dr. Silva, our IPPD coach, where she gave us additional insight on the project.

After we met with our liaison, the scope of the project became more clear and we plan on brainstorming some ideas for our project. Next week, we are planning to meet and bring all these ideas together before our next liaison meeting. We are also in the process of solidifying times for weekly meetings with our liaison and with Dr. Silva, as well as finalizing our team logo by this weekend.

We are very exicted to be a part of this project and we would like to thank Fanatics for this opportunity!