System Level Design Report – Peer Review

As the end of the semester approaches, Pythax is looking forward to our final presentation of all the work we’ve been doing these past few months. In doing so, we prepared a draft of our final report and put together a presentation outlining the most important material from that report. We were able to present this in class and gain some feedback from other teams and their respective coaches, which we will discuss here.

Firstly there was the issue of our slides themselves. In all of our prior presentations this semester we did our best to have a thematic set of slides which would hopefully help us stand out and keep folks’ attention. However, the dark background we used for the slides was unpopular and some audience members complained that it hurt their eyes to read white-on-dark. This was a relatively easy fix to make but it drastically changed the appearance of our content for the final presentation. Ultimately this was for the better, as our final presentation looked a lot cleaner and more professional, and this allowed us to focus harder on the content rather than the stylization.

The second glaring criticism we received was that we focused too heavily on what aspects of the project we decided not to keep. Our intention here was to show the changes that we’ve made and to showcase our progress to the final product, but instead it came off as confusing and folks didn’t really get a good sense of what our project truly was. To fix this, all mention of past work was removed from the slides, and a new video was recorded of the prototype to showcase some of its better and newer features. 

All in all, the criticisms we received were extremely helpful in getting Pythax’s final presentation to the level of quality that it needed to be. We thank all who gave feedback along the way at the various stages of concept generation and presentation!

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