SLDR Presentation and end of the semester (12/11/20)

This week the team presented their SLDR presentation, and it went pretty well. We were finally able to showcase our prototype to the sponsor company. We’re all pretty proud of the work we’ve done and the research that we’ve conducted. The presentation went smoothly and we got some great questions from everyone. These helped us learn what aspects of the project we should emphasize more and develop further. For example, we are now going to start incorporating some more haptic feedback since it seems like this was a strong area of interest.

Alas, we have reached the end of the semester. This semester was full of a lot of firsts for us, but we have all grown as professionals and as developers. We’ve all really enjoyed this semester and working with Freedom Scientific for this first half of the program. We are all very eager to continue to develop the project further and bring the vision to life.

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