Preparing for the Preliminary Design Review

Team BluePay spent the week working on the PDR Presentation, PDR Report and PDR Peer Review Memo. Throughout the week, we received feedback from our peers and the IPPD staff on ways that we can improve our PDR presentation when we give it to the American Express Liaison. 

Pretty soon we`ll have the approval to begin implementing our project prototype. This is when the project truly gets fun! We finally get to be able to use what we have learned in our classes leading up to this point. 

For the next week, we will continue to practice our PDR Presentation in order to maximize our flow and time management. These were two consistent issues we heard when we gave our peer presentation during the week. Also, we will begin to create a GitHub repository and we will install a dev environment onto all of our respective computers. We plan to have everything ready for when we get approval from our sponsor liaison!

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