Meet This Team

Meet This Team

From Left to Right: Joseph Morales, Trevor Wilson, Coach: Dr. Kurt Schulze, Yehya Haj, Liaison: Neetendra Mishra, Marla Smith

Coach: Kurt Schulze is specialized in HVAC Systems and Energy Management.

Joseph Morales is a fifth-year Computer Engineering major and Independent researcher at the University of Florida. His research is focused on the use of game-based learning principles to enhance student motivation in the classroom. He is mostly interested in software and APP development, and has experience using multiple programming languages including: Java, C++, C, C#, and Nodejs.

Joseph Morales

Marla J. Smith is a fifth-year Mechanical Engineering major. She has experience in SolidWorks (designs and simulations) and Finite Element Analysis on Abaqus and ANSYS. She is interested in controls, heat transfer and mechanical design. She is excited to be working on the compressor cooling system design for Sandvik!

Marla Smith

Trevor Wilson is a fifth-year Mechanical Engineering major. His professional experience lies mostly with team building, cyber security and customer service, but his educational experience involves heavy machinery chassis design, 3D modeling, as well as electronic control systems.

Trevor Wilson

Thomas Wolfe is a third-year Mechanical Engineering major with a focus on Engineering Innovation. His professional experience involves product design, woodworking, and sales and marketing. He also has experience in the construction industry with his time spent working for a construction company in Orlando, Florida. His educational experience involves more hands-on prototype design on top of the engineering analysis.

Thomas Wolfe

Yehya Haj is a fourth-year Mechanical Engineering major. Yehya is interested in working on projects that involve designing and programming which fits perfectly with our sponsor Sandvik!

Yehya Haj