Month: March 2021

Prototype Inspection Day

Today, we presented our prototype to a wide variety of coaches and other members of the engineering college. We got lots of feedback regarding how we will continue to test the device as well as feedback on how we presented… Read More

Soldering on prototype board

Unfortunately, our PCB did not come in the way we planned; however, we did not let this hinder our progress for prototype inspection day. We instead soldered the hardware on to a prototype board to allow for it to still… Read More

Improvements from QRB 2

We began making major improvements from our QRB 2 feedback. For prototype inspection day, we will have all the materials on the bat and will be able to actually physically swing the bat without it being connected to the computer.… Read More

QRB 2 Feedback

We presented our QRB 2 presentation to our sponsors as well as to some of the IPPD faculty. We received very positive feedback and believe we are on the right track to deliver what our sponsors are asking for. For… Read More