Spring Semester

Week 28: Final Design Review

Just eight short months ago, our team had just met each other for the first time, eager to get started on this epic project. Little did we realize what we were getting ourselves into, nor how fast time would fly.… Read More

Week 27: Zooming Into FDR!

If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past 4 years, it’s that face-to-face meetings are usually better than online meetings. Luckily for us, our Liaison engineer David Mendez paid a visit to UF this week and dropped by the… Read More

Week 26: Manufacturing Mania!

As we get closer and closer to our Final Design Review, we’re also nearing the end of the semester, graduation (for some team members)… and most importantly, our installation date! With no time to lose, members of our team have… Read More

Week 25: Prototype Inspection Day

This week in Parrotronix, we participated in IPPD’s Prototype Inspection Day! This is a private event where our project’s final prototype is put on display for expert faculty from all around UF to observe and critique as we enter our… Read More

Week 23: Spring Break? Spring Cleaning!

Don’t worry, we didn’t work during all of UF’s official spring break! But that doesn’t mean Parrotronix was slacking off either. A huge part of our progress over the last two weeks has been preparing as many components for manufacturing… Read More

Week 22: Coordinating Coordination

Our team is still hard at work refining and manufacturing our final product this week. If you have been following along our blog posts, you’ve seen that our team has been inspired and empowered to push through our tasks as… Read More

Week 21: Starting Final Manufacturing!

This week, our team hit another major milestone: We’ve begun final manufacturing for our project deliverables! In other words, we’re well on our way to meeting our feathered friends! We also just finished up consulting with a panel of IPPD… Read More

Week 20: Standardized Testing

A huge amount of engineering progress has been made in the last week, breaking a record for our entire team in action-items solved. The mechanical team completed their integrated model and made significant progress on CAD drawings for final manufacturing.… Read More

Week 19: Messy Arts and Crafts

Who doesn’t love arts and crafts? This week’s blog post is a long-overdue update from our scenic team! We’ve recently received the materials and tools required to give our parrots a perch to call home. And not just any home,… Read More

Week 18: Perpetual Motion

A major milestone has been reached! The computer team has made noteworthy progress in enhancing our speech recognition and animation system, and have combined their work with the mechanical and electrical team using real production hardware! Here’s a quick rundown… Read More

Week 17: QRB Your Enthusiasm…

This week, our team gathered in the Herbert Wertheim Laboratory for Engineering Excellence to meet with a panel of UF faculty for an evaluation of our project. The Qualification Review Board, as its called, serves as a check-in to ensure… Read More

Week 16: Hands-On Shopping

This week, Parrotronix kept busy with mechanical and scenic design, but that doesn’t mean we didn’t have some fun! Members of the mechanical and electrical teams visited Home Depot to familiarize ourselves with how some of the standard materials will… Read More

Week 15: Mechanical Mockup Mayhem

As we approach manufacturing, our team is still hard at work finishing our mechanical and scenic design work to prepare for sourcing. Although most of our team is proficient in SolidWorks, sometimes a good, old-fashioned cardboard mockup is the best… Read More

Week 14: Weather Resistance Test!

As UF welcomes students back for the Spring 2024 semester, our team unexpectedly starts with weather resistance testing… but not for our animatronics! Despite some severe weather and an active tornado near UF’s campus, IPPD kicked off its second semester… Read More