Spring Semester

Week #25: So close to the finish line!

Hello everyone! This week, we’ve conducted testing of some of our subsystems. A leak test was performed on our solid addition device to check if it’s sealed tightly enough. Soapy water was poured on the surface of the device, and… Read More

Week #24: There’s levels to this

Hello everyone! Continuing from last week, we’ve made some updates to our physical prototype. Our skid’s frame now has a second level! This is important because we plan to store additional components integral to our design on the second level… Read More

WEEK#21: Spring break is blooming!

Hello everyone! The team took this time to relax just one last time before the final push of the semester (and graduation for most of us!!!). These next few weeks are going to be eventful, so stick around for more… Read More

WEEK# 20: It’s about time!

Hi everyone!This week, the team’s made a lot of progress buying lots of our major equipment for our physical prototype such as a CSTR and some mounting equipment. This is huge; we can see the light at the end of… Read More


Hello everybody! The team’s made great progress on designing our prototype! For starters, we’ve submitted purchase request for our frame assembly, including 80/20 Aluminum extrusions and fasteners. It’s a nice feeling to start buying parts for our prototype, and we’re… Read More


Hi everybody! This week, class was cancelled, and we were instead given the allotted time to work on our projects. We were able to make a lot of progress as a result. We were able to perform material balances on… Read More


Hi everyone!The team met with our liaisons and discussed the scope of our current physical prototype. We as a team agreed that the current scope was ambitious given the limited time we have left and have decided to scale down… Read More

WEEK #15: QRB 1

Hello everyone! This week was a big one; we presented at the first of two Qualification Review Boards this semester (QRB 1)! We received a lot of solid feedback about our project; for example, the coaches highlighted how the scope… Read More

Week #14: So Many Reactors!

This week, the team has been working extensively on finalizing a parts list for the project. After visualizing a reactor design as part of the SLDR, the next step is to find a reputable vendor to order 3 CSTRs. We’ve… Read More

Week #13: Back in Action

Hey everyone, we hope you all had a good Winter Break! Team MaeChem Silanes successfully made their way back to Gainesville to begin working on this project for the Spring semester, and we couldn’t be more excited. The team is… Read More