QRB 2 Success and AI Assistant Development Goals (Week 8)

This week marked a significant milestone for the team as we presented our project to the Qualification Review Board 2. We received fantastic feedback, and I’m thrilled to share that we managed to implement the new feature requested last week just in time for the presentation. The game is starting to take shape, and now our attention is turning towards an exciting new phase: integrating an AI assistant.

The AI assistant will play a crucial role in helping users make optimal decisions when defending against a Red Team attack – the main focus of our project. But here’s the thing – building this AI assistant isn’t a walk in the park. You see, we had to build the game from the ground up, along with all its components, to provide the algorithm with enough data to evaluate and make informed decisions. It’s been quite the journey, but we’re getting closer to our goal every day.

Exposed machine
Red Team’s view of the exposed machine

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