Meet The Simul8 Team

Meet The Simul8 Team

Dylan Mora

Dylan Mora is a 5th year Computer Science major pursuing a minor in Digital Arts and Sciences at the University of Florida. He has garnered valuable work experience as a website developer and graphic designer. With a track record of successfully developing a variety of software projects, his experience extends into the technological field, demonstrating proficiency in languages such as C++, C, C#, Java, HTML, and Python. Prior to his academic endeavors at UF, Dylan first achieved academic distinction at Palm Beach State College, where he earned an Associate of Arts degree with the prestigious title of summa cum laude. Committed to continuous learning, Dylan is currently focusing on expanding his knowledge in the dynamic domains of AI and Cybersecurity.

In his free time, he demonstrates determination and discipline in the gym. Notably, he recently represented UF at Raw Collegiate Nationals for powerlifitng, competing in the 82.5kg weight class.

Thomas Fai

Thomas Fai is a fourth-year student at the University of Florida’s College of Engineering, where he is pursuing a major in Computer Science (B.S.) and a minor in Mathematics. Thomas specializes in cybersecurity and networking related fields, having found these to be the most interesting subfields of computer science in his academic career so far. At this moment, he is an officer of Tau Beta Pi’s FL-A chapter, serving as the honor society’s recording secretary and communications chair, where he organizes all of the society’s news between officers and members. Thomas is also a member of the University of Florida’s Student Infosec Team, where he participates in CTF competitions with other members.

In the past year, Thomas worked as a teaching assistant for UF’s Operating Systems course, which gave him the opportunity to work in a close group with the instructor and other teaching assistants to manage the course. This position gave him a number of valuable experiences, from coordinating with co-workers and developing task-automating scripts, to communicating with students and resolving disputes. After graduating, he hopes to be able to use these experiences in combination with his own interests to join the professional cybersecurity industry to further his knowledge.

Outside of academic life, Thomas prefers to spend his time playing games, reading books, cooking food, or working on a side project in programming or graphic modeling.

Alberta Gator

A passionate software engineer who is currently carrying the Simul8 team.