Over the past week, mobile development has been going swimmingly. We managed to get the mobile development environment set up properly on all our team members’ devices and started making basic screens allowing users to make new conference rooms and join the conference. With the refactoring that we accomplished last week, along with some additional refactoring of conference functions, we’re feeling confident that we can implement the major features requested by our liaisons for mobile in a fairly short amount of time.
Unfortunately, in our quest to streamline our mobile development, we had to somewhat abandon our desktop and web app for a bit, and the repercussions of this became clear at our regular liaison meeting this week. During the meeting, we attempted to do a live demo of our app to show off our improvements in remote control latency and screen-shared video quality, but instead ended up showing off the plethora of bugs in our state management and our rather unremarkable video/audio quality.
But as our IPPD Lab Manager Larry Warren likes to say, “Bad news is good news. Good news is no news. And no news is bad news”. With these bugs exposed, we now have renewed priorities: make our baseline video, audio, and remote control experience as seamless and performant as possible.
With that in mind, we’ve refreshed our isuses list to add priorities to any bugs related to video/audio performance and state management. Here’s a quick sneak peek:

Next week we’ll hopefully have updates on the improved performance of our app, so stay tuned for that!