Blog Posts

Week #17 – Fine-Tuning

Team CyberSign after a productive meeting after class

After a successful QRB #1 last week, it is safe to say Team CyberSign is on the right track. We have now discussed all the feedback we received on QRB #1 and addressed all the questions we got, not only amongst ourselves, but with our liaison now as well. We are now ready to enter the next phase.

We are now entering the training/fine-tuning phase of our project. We will have to fine-tune the model we have chosen by utilizing the training data we have collected with our web scraper (see last blog post). We expect this to be the toughest and most time-consuming phase of our project by far, which is why we are starting as early as possible. We will be sure to keep you all updated along this process.

Week #16 – QRB #1

This week we presented our QRB #1, and it was very successful. As a group we felt like we did a great job and received solid criticism. We also received great feedback that we will be sure to use as we continue to progress on the project. We want to thank the coaches that were present.

One of the slides from the QRB #1 can be seen above. It is a simple demonstration of our web scraper that we have made in order to collect data from multiple sources efficiently. We will be using this data to train our ML model going forward, so this was a big step in the project as we can now begin training once all the data is formatted, which is the bulk of the project. We are very happy with the progress we have made so far and we will be sure to keep everyone updated.

Week #15 – QRB#1 Prep

Team CyberSign meeting in person before class

This week we met our liaison for the first time this year and it was extremely productive. We presented our current progress on the project so far and also went over our plan for the rest of the semester. We were assured that we are on the right track. Above, you can also see us meeting in person before class as well to get even more work done.

We are currently working on and practicing for our Qualitative Review Board #1 presentation to be ready for the presentation day next week. We want to wish everyone else presenting good luck!

Week #14 – Back on Track

Team CyberSign working before class

As you can see above, this week we had our first in person meeting of the semester. All group members were present, and it was more productive than we could’ve even imagined. We were able to efficiently split the tasks at hand, so every member is working hard and to ensure we stick to the plan to not fall behind. We then got to work with the remaining time, which is what can be seen above.

We also met with our coach later in the week for the first time this year. We went over what was discussed in our first meeting and gave updates on progress. We also received answers from our coach to questions that had come up. We have yet to meet with our liaison this semester due to scheduling issues, but we plan to meet with him next week which will hopefully be very productive as well.

Week #13 – Welcome Back!

Team CyberSign at SLDR Event

Happy new year everyone! Welcome back to our blog which is back and better in 2024! We hope everyone had a great holiday break. As we begin this new semester, CyberSign is ready to continue working on this project with a full head of steam. This semester, most of our planning and preparations are now complete so we can fully prioritize on getting the project done by our final design review.

We were able to get some high-quality pictures back from the SLDR event since the last post, which can be seen above. We want to once again thank everyone who came to that event and gave us great feedback. We hope to see everyone again at the final design review at the end of the semester. We hope everyone has a great semester and we look forward to seeing what everyone else has been working on!

Week #12 – SLDR

CyberSign Presenting their SLDR

Just like that, this semester has come to an end. As you can see above, we have finally presented our System Level Design Review (SLDR). We want to thank everyone who came to our presentation from our coach, peers, liaisons, and even other employees from RTX that attended. We appreciate all the questions and feedback we received, it will definitely help us in the near future as we continue working on this project.

As for the event as a whole, it was a great experience. From being able to network with the other teams and company employees, to the great food that was offered, to the wonderful guest speaker that provided great insight on entrepreneurship. We all had a great time, and we want to wish you all a great break and happy holidays. See you all next year!

Week #11 – Peer Review SLDR

CyberSign at the peer review SLDR presentation

Welcome back everyone! We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break! Here at CyberSign, we used the break to ensure our System Level Design Review (SLDR) presentation was as polished as possible as this week we had our peer review. Above you can see us all in good spirits as we all were confident that we did a great job, despite some technical difficulties during the presentation. We also received some great feedback that we have been reading through over the past few days that has been helpful in making our SLDR even better.

Next week, we will have our final SLDR presentation and our final class of the year. It is a bit bittersweet as we are excited for it, but we are also sad that it is over as this semester has flown by. We hope as many of you as possible will be able to attend the presentation next week. If not, make sure to tune in to the blog once again for the final post of the year. See you then!

Week #10 – Prototype Inspection Day

Team CyberSign Presenting Their Prototype

Prototype Inspection Day was a huge success for Cybersign! We were able to present to many different judges of many different backgrounds which gave us really great feedback and suggestions on how we should move forward with our project. We were especially proud of ourselves when it came to our explanations of our project because we were worried it would be difficult to understand for someone on the outside looking in, since our project has many moving pieces and is very technical. However, we were told by multiple different judges that we did a great job of explaining thoroughly and they weren’t confused at any point.

Moving forward, we want to use all this valuable feedback to continue working on and improving our project and our plans for it in the future. Our peer review presentation of our SLDR is right after thanksgiving break, so we are currently working on that to be as prepared as possible in order to receive more useful feedback. Once again, we want to thank everyone that stopped by to check out our prototype and give us feedback. We hope everyone has a great thanksgiving break!

Week #9 – Post-PDR and Prototyping

Team CyberSign Presenting their PDR at RTX Offices in Largo

Last post, we uploaded a picture of us outside the RTX offices since we were not able to take any of our own photos while inside due to security reasons. However, RTX had a professional photographer onsite, and they were able to take pictures of us during our presentation, which is what you see above. Once again, we had an incredible experience at RTX, and we are very grateful for their hospitality. Other than the presentation, we also had a catered lunch and a tour of most of the facility which was so cool.

Following the PDR, we have focused all our efforts on prototyping. This has been in preparation for Prototype Inspection Day (PID), which is coming in the following week. We are very excited to be able to show off what we have been working on so far. We are also looking forward to receiving some very useful feedback from other engineering experts to ensure our model will be feasible and we are on the right track. We hope to see you guys there!

Week #8 – PDR Presentation at RTX

Full CyberSign Team With Mark Sanders Outside Raytheon Offices

We did it! We were able to successfully present our final PDR to many employees on site at the Raytheon offices in Largo, FL. We saw Mark Sanders once again, who we were able to meet for the first time during his presentation in class a few weeks ago. We were also able to meet our other liaisons and many RTX employees for the first time. Above you can see us outside the offices, and it was all smiles as we knew we did a great job. However, we were unfortunately not able to take any personal pictures while inside due to security reasons.

The entire experience was one we will definitely never forget. We were able to gain a lot of experience and knowledge through all the conversations we had with the employees there and they gave us invaluable advice. The questions we received during the presentation were all very useful and it showed that they genuinely cared about the work we were doing. All of the feedback we received, whether it was specific to our project or just about our career in general, was information we will definitely not take for granted.