Fall Semester

Week 13: Wait… where did everybody go?

Time flies when you’re having fun… In just a few months, we’ll be able to make this joke about our feathered friends as well! Yesterday, IPPD hosted its SLDR event, with invited guests from all of the sponsors from this… Read More

Week 12: All Systems, Go!

Things are moving quickly around here, and there is a lot to talk about! IPPD’s System Level Design Review (SLDR) event is just a few days away, and we’ve been hard at work refining our designs, analyzing our models, and… Read More

Week 11: What are we thankful for?

The lights in our office in the Nuclear Sciences Building may be off, and we just might be eating our Thanksgiving leftovers… but that doesn’t mean Parrotronix is taking any breaks! With UF classes on holiday for Thanksgiving, we didn’t… Read More

Week 10: Things are Moving … FAST

Welcome back to the blog! This week has been a whirlwind of activity for our team, with a special focus on the physical beak prototype and preparations for the prototype inspection day the past Tuesday. One of the highlights of… Read More

Week 9: Prototyping Time!

It’s time for our birds to start talking! We are gearing up for the Prototype Inspection Day coming up next week. This week, our team spent hours studying the anatomy of parrots to reproduce as realistic of a parrot skeletal… Read More

Week 8: Happy Halloween from Parrotronix!

It’s getting spooky in the Nuclear Science Building… and not just because our Preliminary Design Review is due this week! We’re hard at work collating and distilling our notes from our visit to Pinecrest Gardens into a neat package called… Read More

Week 7: Welcome to Pinecrest Gardens!

Pinecrest Gardens welcomes Parrotronix to Miami!

What a crazy week! Recently, Parrotronix took a road trip from Gainesville to Miami to meet with our sponsors in person. A jam-packed agenda awaited us: First, we met with the people behind our project, as well as the staff… Read More

Week 6: Special Delivery!

This week, our team continues working day and night on compiling our Preliminary Design Report. Previously, we’ve been focusing on subsystem mechanics and feasibility research, but as we get closer to our site visit date with our sponsors, we’re also… Read More

Week 5: Prototyping Begins!

This week, Parrotronix continued work on our Preliminary Design Review. As part of our review, we’re looking to narrow down the requirements and specifications of our project, coordinating with Pinecrest Gardens. We’re hard at work expanding on our initial concept… Read More

Week 4: Concept Designs and Reports

This week, a number of important IPPD events took place. We attended professional development workshops from FPL and NextEra Energy, a training on Lean Six Sigma process design and improvement. Later in the week, we also heard from the University… Read More

Week 3: Whiteboard Brainstorming

This week, Parrotronix huddled around our whiteboards and started brainstorming the electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering aspects of our bird friends. You read that right: we couldn’t fit all of our ideas on just one whiteboard! We’re excited to continue… Read More

Week 2: Parrot Animatronics… Parrotronix!

This week, our team finalized our branding… meet Parrotronix! We also met with our coach, Kimberly Stubbs. She is a PhD candidate at the University of Florida, working on human-robot interaction and rehabilitative robotics with the Nonlinear Controls and Robotics… Read More

Week 1: Getting Started!

Thanks for checking out our blog! Now that our team has officially been formed, we would like to introduce ourselves! IPPD Team 13 will be working with Pinecrest Gardens to design, prototype, and produce a pair of interactive animatronic parrots.… Read More