WEEK #25: Advancements in Accessibility and Development

A peek into the team’s video storyboard.

Welcome back, EchoPilot supporters!

This week, we’ve taken significant strides in enhancing our testing suite to ensure comprehensive coverage of diverse topics. Additionally, the team has been making significant progress in preparation for the upcoming Prototype Inspection Day (PID).

Expanding Testing Suite and User Testing Initiatives

Building upon our commitment to inclusivity, we added questions from the JAWS Support Facebook group to our testing suite, broadening the range of scenarios our model can proficiently handle. Additionally, we have expanded our suite with more keystrokes pertaining to information retrieval such as reading out multiple lines of text. Furthermore, we continued our collaboration with the Disability Resource Center (DRC), recontacting them with a more specific request for user testing.

Light Prototype Inspection Day Preparations

With Prototype Inspection Day nearing, initial planning has been underway to ensure a seamless presentation. We’ve created a detailed list of tasks that panelists can feasibly complete within our allotted timeframe, optimizing the demonstration experience. Tasks will be focused on essential everyday keystrokes. Additionally, we’ve begun storyboarding a prototype demonstration video, structuring it to effectively showcase the value of our prototype to stakeholders.

See you all next week for more updates on our project!

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