WEEK #2: Promising Beginnings

Hey there! We are thrilled to share our exciting journey as our team of four works with our coach, Dr. Catia Silva, and our sponsor, Freedom Scientific, to develop a multilingual conversational assistant for screen reader operations using Large Language Model (LLM) Technologies.

Meeting the Coach: Setting the Tone

Despite the delay from the hurricane, the team kicked off with a fantastic start this week. We held our first meeting with our coach, where we discussed the project’s scope of work, expectations, and further preparations to meet with our liaison engineers by the following week.

Delegation and Team Charter: Our Roadmap to Success

One of the highlights of the week was creating our team charter. This document serves as the team’s compass, outlining the team’s values, expectations, and responsibilities. With our coach’s suggestions, the group unanimously settled to delegate roles and tasks with a bi-weekly rotational system in place. This dynamic approach ensures that every team member understands the project comprehensively, enriching their overall experience in a holistic approach.

Kanban: Keeping Tasks on Track

To keep our workflow organized, the team adopted a Kanban board. This visual tool has already proven invaluable in helping us manage our tasks effectively. With its simple and user-friendly interface, members are able to get a glance at where each task stands, making it easier to collaborate and ensure nothing falls through.

Reflecting on our first week, we are optimistic about the journey ahead. Stay tuned for more updates on our adventures as a student team. We can’t wait to share our successes, challenges, and lessons learned as we work together towards our common goals.

See you next week!

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