Blog Posts

Strategic Thinking: Project Progress Update (Week 6)

So, this week was a bit different – no class, just pure project time! The team huddled up and dove deep into planning for the new sprint. We really broke things down, talking about where we’re at, what we need, and how we’re gonna get there.

Amidst our discussions, we pinpointed several limitations posing challenges. These include the continuous expansion of our codebase without proper documentation to keep pace with its constant updates. And then there’s the whole blue team situation – trying to figure out exactly how their actions will affect the network’s machines and the games progress. Let me tell you, it’s been a bit of a head-scratcher, and we’ve definitely got some design kinks to iron out there. Despite the hurdles, the team remains on track with the project’s overall goals.

Sketches of Simul8’s thought process

Adventures in Development (Week 5)

Wrapping up this week, we’ve reached the end of our second sprint. It’s been quite a ride, our collective perseverance has propelled us to this point, where we’re beginning to see the bigger picture of the project unfold. But, let me tell you, dealing with our expanding codebase is becoming tedious – it’s like a tangled web of classes all trying to work together.

And hey, speaking of challenges, we’ve hit a few bumps along the way, especially when it comes to figuring exactly out how the blue and red teams interact. That’s fine as every roadblock is just another opportunity to learn. To add to the list, we weren’t able to meet with our liaison engineer this week, so we hope to have his assistance next week as we have a lot of questions.

Oh, and let’s not forget, that most of our progress has been on the backend. We’ve been busy making things run smoothly behind the scenes. As for the UI, well, we’ve made a few tweaks here and there, but nothing too flashy yet. But hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day, right?

UI: Game Screen

QBR Success & Highlights (Week 4)

This week concludes the end of the QRB. Simul8 had the pleasure of presenting their project’s current progress and had the opportunity to receive feedback from various individuals with technical expertise. The team received great feedback and has not hit any dead stops that limit their progress. With the conclusion of our next sprint just a week away, the team is ready to get back to work and take the feedback we received and apply it for the better.

UI: Network Configuration

Sprint Achievements & Leadership Wisdom (Week 3)

This week marked the completion of our team’s first Sprint, prompting a thorough evaluation of its performance. Upon reflection, the consensus was that the team could efficiently handle a more substantial workload. Additionally, each team member has been assigned additional tasks. Furthermore, the team is excited to witness the gradual development of the project and notable progress being made.

During our week, we had the privilege of listening to Rick García, R&D Sr. Manager of Advanced Engineering at Johnson & Johnson VisionCare. His insights, particularly on Leadership in Engineering, provided our team with valuable perspectives and inspiration.

As the week draws to a close, our focus shifts towards preparing for the Qualification Review Board. This upcoming milestone holds the promise of providing valuable insights into our project’s development and potential risks. The team is eager to leverage this opportunity to further enhance our understanding and refine our strategies moving forward.

Rick García, R&D Sr. Manager of Advanced Engineering, Johnson & Johnson VisionCare
UI: Configuration Screen
UI: Playing Field

Grind Time (Week 2)

With the workload clearly defined and evenly distributed, the team is fully engaged in their respective tasks. To offer a comprehensive overview, Thomas is presently pushing forward with the front end, seamlessly integrating it with the completed backend elements. Christian and Dylan are actively advancing both the front end and back end, concentrating on the upcoming stages of the overall game functionality by creating placeholders for upcoming elements and crafting new scenes. Agustin is currently collecting statistics to kickstart blue team actions. Meanwhile, Dylan and Samitha are advancing the backend with innovative game features, with a particular focus on refining the red team behavior and functionality of their actions. Additionally, our meeting this week cleared up important questions the team had to help advance the project forward.

The current home scene design Dylan created.
Non finalized mockup of the home screen.
Non finalized mockup of the main screen.

The Return (Week 1)

Returning from the winter break, our team enjoyed the much-needed rejuvenation. Kickstarting the new year involved braving a thunderstorm to attend our initial day of classes, with numerous members arriving drenched. Swiftly, the team took decisive actions to set things in motion for the week. We restructured roles, adjusted meeting schedules, established a backlog for our current sprint, engaged in scrum poker, and evenly distributed the workload. Time to put our heads down and start developing.

Team meeting in the new Malachowsky Hall for Data Science & Information Technology.
Exterior of Malachowsky Hall.
First day of IPPD 2.

Week 14 Update: Semester Wrap-Up and SLDR Presentation Success

The fall semester of 2023 has drawn to a close, and with it, Team Simul8 has completed a significant milestone: delivering our System Level Design Review. On Tuesday, December 5th, the IPPD teams convened at the Reitz Union, reuniting with our sponsors and marking the culmination of this semester’s journey.

The day kicked off with refreshments and a vibrant discussion led by Dr. Edward Latorre, alongside an IPPD alum, setting the tone for a day of insightful exchanges. Teams, paired and assigned to various rooms, shared their progress and future plans.

Team Simul8, accompanied by our sponsor CAE USA, and alongside teams CyberSign and Splunkernauts, sponsored by RTX, presented our final assignment. We outlined our strategy for the upcoming semester and engaged in a Q&A session with the audience, receiving valuable questions and insightful suggestions.

We’re excited for the road ahead. See you all next year for the continued evolution of our project!

Week 13 Update: Reconvening and Refining for the Final Stretch

Back from holiday, Team Simul8 has reconvened, and successfully merged individual contributions completed during the break, finalizing the first comprehensive draft of our System Level Design Review (SLDR).

In a recent practice presentation, we unveiled our work to a discerning audience, whose feedback has been invaluable. Based on their input, we’ve made additional adjustments, including finalizing behaviors within our system that required fine-tuning.

With December 5th, Tuesday, marked for our final presentation, we’re in the last phase of preparations. We’re sharpening every aspect of our delivery, ensuring that our demonstration on Tuesday not only meets but exceeds expectations.

This week is all about precision and practice as we look forward to showcasing the culmination of our hard work. Stay with us as we approach this pivotal moment.

Week 12 Update: Focusing on System Level Design Review Amidst Holiday Closures

Happy Thanksgiving! As the university’s doors close for the holiday season, Team Simul8’s gears continue to turn. This week, we’re honing in on our System Level Design Review (SLDR), a pivotal milestone that demands our collective focus and meticulous attention to detail.

We will be working remotely while navigating the university’s holiday closure. Our sights are firmly set on December 5th—the date for our presentation of the comprehensive system design.

During this time, we’re not just embracing the festive spirit; we’re also strategizing and laying the groundwork for what we anticipate will be a successful showcase of our hard work and innovation.

Week 11 Update: Harnessing PID Insights for Pre-Thanksgiving Progress

As Thanksgiving break looms on the horizon, Team Simul8 is diligently ticking off tasks, spurred by the feedback from our recent prototype Inspection Day (PID). Our presentation showcased the latest advancements in our cybersecurity simulation game, engaging faculty and esteemed guests in our vision.

The feedback, while acknowledging our successes, also pointed out areas for improvement, offering critiques and recommendations vital for our game’s evolution. In the coming week, we’re honing our prototype, addressing the critiques head-on, and integrating these insights to refine our approach.